And I decided that I’m probably not so much a Blogger, as a Blog-Haver.

Here you go, one post consisting of four fuzzy phone-pictures.  I’m such a good blogger.

The Mustache

Logan likes mustaches.  I like picking beans when my helpers are this cute.

The Bumblebee

I don’t have to say anything else about this one.  So there.


That’s mongo Tomato, combined.  Leif”s pretty proud of that one.

Tomongo, with Toast

And I’m pretty proud of the size of of my tomatoes this year.  I grew them from seeds and they actually did very well.  That one sliced tomato made nine  BLT’s.

The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it will hold.

~Glenn Doman

We have been made in an amazing way.  My mind boggles to think on it.

Mrs. Hope Echoes (Mary) hosts this lovely idea on Tuesdays.  She’s actually giving away her treasure this week.  If you click the link and leave her a comment you can play too.

Here’s mine.

It’s my shirt.  I love antique stores.  It was made in Hawaii, by a person. The hem was even done by hand.

See the welt pocket?  I’m pretty sure it was hand pieced.

Pointy, pointy collar, aaandBUTTONS!!  Buttons to beat all buttons it has.  The buttons are probably the best part, I think.

So there, that’s my silly treasure for this week.  It’s a good excuse to post on my lonely blog.  Mrs. Hope Echoes really wants more entries in her contest, so if you wouldn’t  mind?

Because of extensive encouragement and prodding from a great many people, I’m starting a new blog.  You’re looking at it.

These people (you all know who you are) seem to think that I have things of value to say, the ability to write these things clearly, the ability to handle feedback and flak (such as it might be), and that I have buckets of time just sitting under my bed going to waste.  They’re probably right… alright, fine, they ARE right.  That’s why I’m listening.

I pray that, by God’s grace, and with the continued “encouragement” of my family and friends, I will be able to articulate my thoughts here.  May my efforts bring glory to my Creator.

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!  How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!

‘For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?’

‘Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?’

For from him and through him and to him are all things.  To him be glory forever.  Amen

Romans 11:33-36  (ESV)